Osborne Property Services Ltd

To address the climate emergency all the UK’s housing stock will have to meet at least EPC Band C by 2030. 71% of UK housing doesn’t yet meet this standard. This includes over 4m social housing units. The scale of this challenge is shadowed by the need to achieve net carbon zero housing stock by 2050. A massive (and largely unquantified) programme is needed to install insulation, zero carbon heating and renewable energy systems. Piecemeal approaches to the climate emergency will be too slow and unpredictable. They expose social landlords to significant risks over delivery times and costs. Osborne Property Services collaboration with sustainable construction specialists and key supplier partners offers social housing providers a comprehensive and fully integrated zero carbon retrofit service. This includes asset condition surveys, scoping, planning, supply chain management and delivery of large scale retrofit programmes. The Challenge Social housing providers face significant challenges. These include: • Current retrofit plans won’t meet the targets. • Stock condition and EPC performance is uncertain. • Gaps in the supply chain and skills. • Cost inefficiencies from a piecemeal approach. • Resident customers need to be engaged. • Time is short and the urgency is real. Osborne Property Services have the skills, capacity and process to overcome each of these challenges. The Process The multistage process towards net carbon zero performance is fully managed and integrated across the main Retrofit stages: 1. Assess stock condition and current EPC performance. 2. Scope and quantify the scale of upgrade works. 3. Design the most appropriate and efficient retrofit actions. 4. Budget the cost profile based on priorities and potential impact. 5. Plan the works including materials, supply chains and skills development. 6. Engage residents and explain the benefits (minimal heating bills, sustainability etc). 7. Deliver retrofit programmes in a controlled sequence. 8. Monitor performance of upgraded properties.