
Our team of experts are dedicated to improving lives and places and we continue to develop our in-house expertise to best support our clients.

In 2020, we reviewed our business plan and established a new set of common goals for the business, which will be our main drivers in taking the business forward. We called this our ‘crazy goal’ because it is ambitious and bold.

Our Crazy Goal Eliminate Fuel Poverty, Save Lives and Improve the Health & Wellbeing of Social Housing Tenants in Scotland. 

There are 594,000 social housing properties in Scotland. Based on Scottish Government statistics, an estimated 25% of those households are living in Fuel Poverty, with a further 11.3% living in Extreme Fuel Poverty. In addition to households having to decide between food and heat, Fuel Poverty causes significant health and wellbeing issues to the tenants. This is abhorrent and unacceptable to the entire M-Four team. Working with our clients and partners, we intend over the next ten years to remove every one of those households from living in Fuel Poverty, where possible.