
Welcome to The Retrofit Academy’s membership homepage. If you have any questions about your membership or need any help navigating your way around, please contact our friendly team.

If you have a technical question, take a look around to see if you can get your answer within the Knowledge Base or PAS FAQs, or bring it along to the next PAS Club. Failing that, use this form to submit your query and we will respond within 5 working days.

Member Profile

As a member of The Retrofit Academy, you can build a profile that will be accessed via our Membership Directory. You will be able to upload logos, articles and certificates that demonstrate why you are a fantastic company. This list will be visible on The Retrofit Academy website. 

Knowledge Base

Our Knowledge Base is an exclusive ‘Members Only’ collection of resources. It’s curated by our experts to help you on your retrofit learning journey and beyond.

PAS 2035 Compliance Software

Your membership includes four licenses for our Retrofit Academy PAS 2035 Compliance Software.

Please note, this is one user per license. The license key we issue allows you to use the template on one device only.


Your membership entitles you to attend events hosted by The Retrofit Academy.

We have an exciting series of quarterly summits scheduled, with regular guest contributors from our panel of experts, and also host our monthly PAS Club.

Discounted Training

You are entitled to a 10% discount on any future training provided by The Retrofit Academy. When booking, simply highlight that you are a member and we will apply the discount for you.

Discounted Futurebuild Exhibitor Costs

Your membership entitles you to 10% off the cost of exhibiting in the Whole House Retrofit Zone at Futurebuild, which is hosted by us; The Retrofit Academy. Please contact our friends at Futurebuild. Click here.


Our monthly newsletter delivers relevant industry news direct to your inbox.

We can also include news and job vacancies from our members, subject to editorial approval. Please submit articles and links to [email protected] by the third week of each month.

Working Groups & Technical Committees

We operate a number of Working Groups and Technical Committees. You can access the Guidance and Reports that are published in the Member’s Zone. If you wish to volunteer to become a Member of a Working Group, please contact us to discuss. 


People with projects can post free of charge on Retrobook. From individual dwellings to multi-unit social projects.

Retrobook takes these projects and presents them as opportunities to you, based on your geography and skill set.